If you are developing open source library one of most important things is documentation and it's great if it has good design. But anyway, it's better to have a badly designed documentation than none at all.
So here i'll describe of some tectonics (jsdoc, unittests, grunt) to apply documentation for your opensource project.
For javascript we have syntax for adding inline API documentation - it is jsdoc (usejsdoc.org). In general it's based on well know javadoc.Here are some of jsdoc tags
@author Developer's name @constructor Marks a function as a constructor @deprecated Marks a method as deprecated @exception Synonym for @throws @param Documents a method parameter; a datatype indicator can be added between curly braces @private Signifies that a method is private @return Documents a return value @see Documents an association to another object @this Specifies the type of the object to which the keyword "this" refers within a function. @throws Documents an exception thrown by a method @version Provides the version number of a librarySo if anybody will read your sources it's better to annotate it using this kind of traditional style.
/** * Build World. Like a Module in AngularJS. * w is short form of function world * @example *<pre> var world = darlingjs.world('theWorld', [ 'ngPhysics', 'ngBox2DEmscripten', 'ngFlatland', 'ngPixijsAdapter']); *</pre> * @param {String} name The name of new World * @param {Array} requires The array of requires modules * * @return {World} The new World; */ darlingjs.w = darlingjs.world = function(name, requires) { ...
Another good approach to describe common use cases of library is to share annotated unittests. In javascript we have a lot of unittest libraries for it (jasmine, Mocha, QUnit and so on).Here is an example of Jasmine unittest
describe('World', function() { //... it('should execute update handler on update.', function() { var updateHandler = sinon.spy(); darlingjs.module('theModule') .$c('theComponent') .$system('testSystem', { require: ['theComponent'], $update: updateHandler }); var world = darlingjs.world('testWorld', ['theModule']); world.$add('testSystem'); world.$update(11); expect(updateHandler.calledOnce).toBeTruthy(); expect(updateHandler.calledWith(11)).toBeTruthy(); }); //... });
Well-documented and well-tested source code is good. But not all developers have enough will to look through your code to search a needed function. So one level-up trick is to generate web-based documentation. And it's also a good idea to do it automatically any time your code changes.Here is a plugin for Grunt grunt-jsdoc-plugin for running documentation generator.
So let's look at jsdoc plugin in practice.Result
![darlingjs documentation](http://distilleryimage0.ak.instagram.com/62c960acbbc211e2b61c22000a9f4de7_7.jpg)
darling.js documentation
We need to install and save in package.js file two modules:jsdoc
npm install grunt-jsdoc --save-devClean
npm install grunt-contrib-clean --save-dev
module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), clean: { docs: ['docs/'] }, jsdoc: { src: ['src/core/**/*.js', 'src/utils/**/*.js', 'README.md'], options: { configure: '.jsdocrc', destination: 'docs' } } }); grunt.registerTask('docs', ['clean', 'jsdoc']); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-jsdoc'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-clean'); };
Add information about markdown plugin - gfm for parsing github-compatible README.mb. Custom template is just based on default jsdoc template.{ "plugins": [ "plugins/markdown" ], "markdown": { "parser": "gfm", "hardwrap": true, "githubRepoName": "darlingjs", "githubRepoOwner": "hyzhak" }, "opts": { "template": "./doc-template" } }
Add Template for jsdoc
For example you can customize layout.tmpl template file to add GoogleAnalytics, some social buttons and Disqus comments as i've done for darling.js.Are there any other technics?
If you are using some other techniques to create documentation for your projects don't hesitate to share your own experience with other people in comments. You are highly welcome.
survey software
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