Showing posts with label gamedev. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gamedev. Show all posts

Friday, May 17, 2013

Parallax / On Darlingjs

Here is short article about creating parallax effect upon game engine darlingjs

What is the parallax?

In our case parallax is an effect of perception that takes place when 3D environment is translated into 2D display surface. For example we have an observer with 'view port' (2D) and some objects on different distance from the observer in 3D. If the observer takes left or right step than visually objects located nearby will move faster than objects located further away from the observer. If an object is placed very far from the observer for a short period of time it will look as if it doesn't move at all, like the sun for the observer on the Earth.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Cyclic background / On Darlingjs


One of the issue i got during developing of the 2D game Red Cabriolet was creation of landscape with taste of 3D environment. In other words:
  • the landscape mast be unlimited;
  • placed behind the main stage;
  • and gives feeling of 3D space in 2D;

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Anons of DarlingJS and Red Cabriolet


I'm developing flexible javascript game engine darling.js and also the game Red Cabriolet as example of possibilities of engine. So any comments and feedback is welcome.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Best of the 7th week (EN)

Don't forget it's is the 1st day of the spring so everything became greener and hotter. It's good time for breakthrough events and launching new applications. But in last week of the winter I have also find many interesting stuff: Time-consuming html5 game BomberMine, Graphics and diagram by D3, some math and NY gamedev event. So let's go:

Friday, February 22, 2013

Best of the 6th week (EN)

Next best of... of week. In shortly you will know about: p2p, Duke Nuken 3D, HTML5 Gamedev, platform action game and Diablo. So let's go.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Best of the 4th week (EN)

in russian
I have got some damage, after was ridding a skateboard this week, so it's been to hard right down any "week end best of". But anyway i have wrote some about kinect library update and one Google puzzle game. I hope you like. So come on: